Be sure to ADD CONTEXT for the whole video section or each video - how does this video apply to this module? What are the topics that are covered in the video? Oftentimes students revisit this section without watching the videos.

Videos Examples

Example 1

In this lecture, we cover processes and materials of the rock cycle, primary and secondary subdivisions in the genetic classification of rocks, mechanisms of melting, and formation of magmas and plate tectonic environments.

Example Applied in the Course

Module Outline Example Video 1

Example 2

This set of videos reviews the five main drivers of biodiversity loss, including on-the-ground examples of consequences of some of these threats.
For each threat, how can climate change (one of the threats) exacerbate the effects of the other threats?
In other words, how does the effect of one threat interact with the effect of climate change?
Remember, some topics covered in the reading may not be covered in videos.

Example Applied in the Course

Module Outline Example Video 2